A IS Foundation objetiva fortalecer, educar e colaborar com pessoas e projetos que impactem positivamente o planeta e suas criaturas.

Nós somos um time, um grupo de pessoas, que enxergam o meio ambiente como um organismo interligado, do qual nós não estamos separados, mas somos uma parte. Não há nenhuma distinção entre todos os seres vivos: árvores, rios, animais e humanos. Nós todos somos um organismo interdependente.

Os problemas globais e desafios que estamos enfrentando são infinitamente interconectados e co-dependentes, portanto nossas soluções e atitudes devem ser impostas de uma maneira interconectada.
Existem inúmeras causas, muitas campanhas e organizações almejando incitar mudanças, que incluem acabar com o desmatamento, plantar árvores, eliminação de pesticidas e curar o nosso planeta. Quantas dessas organizações ou campanhas se unem para se tornar um espírito unido de mudança?

A natureza não se comporta independentemente. Ela funciona em uníssono com todos os seus elementos. Trabalhar independentemente para transformar o nosso planeta, é como tentar tocar um violino sem cordas. Empresas comunitárias, organizações, pessoas e projetos, devem começar a juntar recursos e habilidades a paixões e projetos. A IS Foundation irá agir em total espírito cooperativo com outros, com e sem fins lucrativos, e a corpos governamentais globais.

  • Distribuir fundos e recursos para a conservação do planeta, desenvolvimento/implantação de energia verde e ferramentas educacionais.
  • Criar a consciência de que o desmatamento do globo pode ser visto como um risco à segurança nacional / internacional e global.
  • Criar mobilidade, engajando e apioando a mais poderosa, e ainda ignorada, desrespeitada e esquecida, população do planeta – nossa juventude.
  • Acabar com a crueldade a animais e promover programas, como: “espécies específicas de drogas de esterilização”, transferência e readaptação de animais abandonados em guias de apoio e terapia.
  • Apoiar e criar estratégias sustentáveis de “abrigos que não matem”.

sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011

#GoBrazil #AmazonRainforestCode

Didn't have much time,so did online translation =( Sorry if some words come out wrong ok?Well,check this out,it's Brazil taking action o/

Around two hundred protestors against the motion made promptly Forest Code at the opening of an International Congress of Constitutional Law, which began on the morning of Friday (26), Events Center in the Pantanal, Cuiabá. The Forest Code has been approved in Congress and remains to be considered by the Senate for only then be sanctioned by the president, Rousseff (PT). The demonstrators represented various social movements, among them: the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT), the Landless Movement (MST) and Central Directory of Students (DCE) of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and started to march in protest banners, posters, flyers asking for votes and carried native plants to symbolize concern for the environment.
The demonstrators represented various social movements, among them: the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT), the Landless Movement (MST) and Central Directory of Students (DCE) of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and started to march in protest banners, posters, flyers asking for votes and carried native plants to symbolize concern for the environment.
In Mother Bonifacia Park, where protesters gathered to go to the Events Center, to the destination, were barred by the military police and there they made an act to draw attention of the authorities invited the Congress. "The movement has a note on environmental issues and our main banner today, it does not accept the actions being put in the Forest Code, particularly changes in the text," said Lucio Teixeira, coordinator of the Movement Against The Forest Code.
He said the movement has done debates in the capital for the population to become familiar with the matter. "This is our third rally in relation to the Code. We've done three seminars, which we call the political class to discuss, among them senators, and unfortunately only one senator appeared. So, our intention is to keep these public acts a dialogue with the senators, "he added.
mong the protesters, attended by the students of Biology, Medicine, Forestry, Social Sciences and others, UFMT. "This Congress is super elite, the price of $ 400.00, even for being a student. I think there is an intention on the idea of ​​barring them financially. We know that this code will not bring any benefit to the population, only a minority elite, as always. Therefore, we will not be quiet until this bar code, "stressed the academic medicine UFMT, Paula Caroline Werlang. Already one of the representatives of the MST, which came from the city of Araputanga (371 km from Cuiabá), where he works in the cultivation of corn and other crops, said he was there to ask for support to the authorities. There are a lot of lack of knowledge on the subject. "We work in the field and know the difficulties with the degradation of rivers, which make our farms," ​​said Ramiro Silva.
During the event, attended by several state and national political leaders, Senator Kátia Abreu (DEM-TO) (photo) and Chairman of the Agriculture and Livestock Confederation of Brazil (CNA) said that it is necessary that people discuss, meet and make queries about the environment. "You can not put at risk of degradation practices in the field. We are here to share the debate with researchers and leaders involved in the matter and guide us on the best path to sustainable development for the country, "said the MP.
Concerned about the Belo Monte project to build the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant, located in the Xingu River in Para, the federal government, the indigenous researcher Fábio Pinheiro (pictured with folded hands), was bold to ask the representative of the Brazilian Institute Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA), Curt Trennepohl, who, upon arriving at the event entrance he heard the request not to approve the Forest Code. "Is that the Code should be no reduction in riparian areas, and disrupt the lives of homeless and indigenous fish accustomed to the place. To get an idea, there live 18 indigenous ethnic groups. Can cause deforestation, because the Xingu River is one of the largest basins in the country that support life, "Pinheiro said.

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